♥ Giftguide for her (extra girly)/ 9th door of our adventcalender

So it is already day 9 of our advent calendar and I've decided it's finally time for a gift guide!
Today I present you some gift ideas for her (but the extra girly edition)

Ps: Don't worry we will continue this series and give you ideas on what to buy: him, parents, grandparents and siblings

But for now, let us begin with the girly gift guide \(^-^)/
  • Fake Lashes: there are lots of different lashes out there, some natural looking ones, some with feathers or very thick ones.
    You can get them in the drugstore, on Amazon or sometimes also at h&m. They differ not only in style but also in price, you can get cheap ones for less than 1$.
    You can also buy a storage box for the lashes as a little addon.

  • Headbands or Hairbows: You can find them nearly everywhere, but I think especially for Christmas season a red hairband or ribbon looks the best :) but it's up to you (In this pic I'm also wearing a red bow from Claires, I loooove them)
  • A self-light: Sounds stupid, I know, but trust me she will love it!
  • Makeup-bag: You can buy a makeup bag and maybe put some products from the drugstore in it (lip balm, mascara, highlighter, etc.)
  • you can get creative and DIY your own storage boxes for her makeup or the new ;) brushes, make a scrapbook page  (you can gift her a disposable camera too), design a phone case (get a plane transparent phone case and put flowers behind it or swatch some eyeshadow on a paper and put it in there).
I hope you got inspired by my ideas and stay tuned in the next days we will post some more blog posts about further gift ideas.
