♥ vegan hazelnut cookies (4 ingredients!)/ 15th day of our adventcalender

Earlier this month I worked for the company MyEy and they provide three products, the whole egg substitute "VollEy", egg-white substitute "EyWeiß" and the egg-yolk substitute"EyGelb".
The people I worked with were very kind and send me the VollEy and the EyWeiß to test them.

Yesterday I decided I want to bake Christmas cookies (right before I had to leave for University ^^), so I searched for an easy vegan cookie recipe, but I found one with real eggs. Then I thought, why don't I try baking the recipe with the egg substitute.
(So you can use this recipe with normal eggs or with a plant-based alternative)


  • wafers
  • 4 egg-whites or plant-based alternative (I used 20g EyWeiß powder and 100ml water)
  • 200g sugar
  • 200g ground hazelnuts (if the batter is too liquid put in more hazelnuts, I made this mistake and my first baking attempt was too liquid)
this is the product I've used

First, you have to put in the egg whites, or in my case the powder mixed with water.

Use a whisk to beat up the egg-white, till it is solid.
While doing so, you can preheat the oven to 150°.

Then slowly add the sugar (not the whole 200g at once)

Carefully fold in the ground hazelnuts.
Lay down the wafers on a baking tray covered with baking paper.

This was my first attempt, but the dough was too liquidy.

My second attempt. This time I've put in more ground hazelnuts.
Then I used a spoon to put the batter on the wafers.
I also added some whole hazelnuts.
Bake the cookies till the edges start to getting brown


And there you go, very easy and quick to make Christmas cookies *-*
(they are also very delicious!)
I hope you liked my recipe and made some yourself! :)
Let me know if you want more baking posts and if I should use MyEy products?


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